Schumann Resonance 7.83 Hz Earth’s Native Frequency

The year was 1952, when a German physicist by the name of Winfried Otto Schumann mathematically predicted that the frequency of the earth would be determined to resonate at 7.83 Hz, thusly the determination of this frequency is attributed to him, so we call this the Schumann resonance.

When you strike a bell, it rings, and so does our planet which is being struck by lightning 50 times per second.

We know that all planets essentially sing a song of frequency resonance, just like the earth does. We can listen to the universe and hear an orchestral musical performance featuring the combination of all the heavenly bodies singing in unison.

The 7.83 Hz resonance of the earth is the harmonic state of all pure nature of our planet. This is the frequency of our planet and all life on it. This frequency naturally supports the healthy life of all living things on earth. It is also the frequency of the Alpha state of the human brain.

Nikola Tesla is known to have said, “Our entire biological system, the brain and the earth itself work on the same frequencies.”

In recent years we’ve disrupted the harmonic resonance of the world around us confounding the earth’s 7.83 Hz and its ability to protect us, and we suffer the consequences of not being in harmony with her and we experience the symptoms of being in disharmonies such as depression, headaches, and other maladies.

If we could raise our surrounding frequency to be in harmony with earth’s 7.83 Hz resonance our physiological states would return to normal, increasing our body’s ability to self-heal, increasing our tolerance to stress and strain, and greatly improving cognition.

Our brainwaves resonate at this very same frequency. If we can get our brainwaves to resonate with this frequency, we become calm, peaceful, relaxed, sleep more soundly, dream more vibrantly, and our ability to rebuild and regenerate cellularly increases as well.

Inspiration, creativity, a desire to contribute, and live a better life are all tied into this resonant frequency.

Today we are surrounded by technology that radiates dissonant frequencies in the range from 30,000 Hz to 300 billion Hz. This is in stark contrast to the 7.83 Hz frequency we are optimally designed to thrive within. We are witnessing the steady decline of the human condition for the lack of bathing in a pure 7.83 Hz frequency in harmony with our Mother Earth.

According to the Heart Math Institute, “The electromagnetic fields generated by power supply systems, telecommunications, appliances, computers and other technology produced by humans are extremely powerful and in some cases have been associated with increased incidence of cancer, heart disease, depression, and other diseases. Exposure to strong electromagnetic fields in residential areas and in certain occupations has been documented as significantly increasing the incidence or risk of the listed diseases. Certain groups of people such as the elderly, children, women who are pregnant and the weak have been found to be more sensitive or susceptible to adverse effects from these fields than the rest of the population. (As is often the case with research, there are opposing opinions on the existence or extent of such adverse effects.)”