Our planet is filled with various frequencies and energies, all inner twinned to create what some call our energy fields, quantum energy, life force, and more.
We can take a dowsing rod and measure the various energy lines of the earth, like using dowsing rods in the forest. It can detect a straight line and interceptions of various fields of energy. We call these lay lines. If there is a tree in the path of a lay line, the tree may bend out away from the main trunk of the tree, to avoid an energy field that doesn’t resonate to the frequencies of the tree. Streams many times have a tendency not to follow straight lines, but to curve in many different directions. Due to trying to get in balance with its flow.
Our brains are very sensitive to what we are exposed to and able to adapt in most cases. Everything we experience in life is like a hologram that is imprinted in our brains. We can recall many different things throughout our life, joy, peace, love, family, and various painful events, these all leave an impression. When the outside environment becomes saturated with what I would consider negative energy fields, we absorb, more than we are able to process. We become overloaded to the point that our mind doesn’t know how to react, in many cases people start to search out outside relief from the exposure to these elements.
They find relief in drinking alcoholic beverage, prescription drugs, excessive
exercise, taking various harmful drugs and consuming toxic foods. Some of these offers instant relief and yet they become addictive to the person. They forget how to go within and find natural remedies to the pain they feel. They go to their care provider and are given even more drugs to calm the pain.
Most people consider their doctor a friend someone we can depend upon to give us answers to our mental and physical conditions. They went to school and should be able to provide us with the latest technology. Med school forgot the most important aspect of health in my opinion, the inner person, how to feed the soul and the brain. Quantum Science Energy can provide us with individual solutions to help get us on a path to a healthier productive life.
I look at Quantum Science Energy as the messenger of the stars, earth and
beyond. Putting it all together in a very mathematical calculated system. Our
brains have the capability to sort out the differences between what is real and
what is a little off or seems unreal. Our Heart, which is our second brain and
found to be a more reliable brain, can give us the heartfelt meanings to most all that we expose ourselves to. It deals with our internal well-being, where our head brain has its limitations to internal affairs, it seems to deal with external
Our brains watch TV and react to the things that they feel might be true, whereas our hearts feel what is going on internally and react on feelings that are real to their heart. It is our heart brain that can help make a logical response and goes with the internal way they react. Our brains can store information that when exposed to certain conditions cause a negative response to our physical body. We expose ourselves to so many different things during the day, cell phone, computers, 5G, household radiation, cars, smog, dirty water, over processed food, and all these must have a place to go, some are eliminated naturally, and others get trapped in your body creating chaos. So, if you aren’t eating organic foods, your body doesn’t know how to process foods that don’t have the same mathematical calculations and frequencies. When we take the natural away from life, we end up with a trainwreck internally, both physically and mentally. Our life force is affected in an unbalanced way.
Quantum Science Energy brings in the most valuable factor, INTENT, if we have intent and seek out the truth from within, we will be able to conquer anything.

We can take a Tesla Energy Card and produce an energy field that will enhance enlighten and inspire us to have better tasting water when applied, but also direct that intent to our bodies and brains.

We can take more of our Tesla Terahertz Wands and expose ourselves to a healthier, wiser way of life with intent. We need to seek our inner self with intention and let our body know to discard all of the garbage we have collected and now have a place to send it. Our intent will be to send it to SOURCE, for source to recycle it in a positive energy field or neutralize it. We cut all ties and are open to the healing and gradually release all the garbage and become whole again, without drugs or other disruptive substances and feel at peace with LOVE AND LIGHT.
Source has many names, and everyone is different. Source can be your Higher Power, God, Jesus, Universal Awareness, Inner self, Spirit, and many more names to be included. Whatever is comfortable for the person.
Using the tools, we are designing are there to help you connect with the Source of your life and issues. It is the intent to be able to communicate with the whole person and in doing so come into balance with your life and health, they are one.
When we are out of sorts and not feeling a recognizable response to something we can create blocks in our mind, brain or heart that need to have some reconnection to the truth and balance. This is what causes what we refer to as disease and poor health. No outsider can heal our bodies and minds, they are only facilitators, offering us the keys to open our subconscious to find the real source to heal.
I learned at an early age that I had the ability to get in touch with my inner self and find the answers to the issues in my life, that no pill, or drug would do that for me. I needed to explore to find the source within and work with my inner source.
I still discover new things to ponder upon and wish to share those with all who will listen and have the energy to heal themselves.
Let’s work to unlock those doors with the right keys. Even when I work on someone energetically, unless they decide to open and participate in the healing process, it may very well not last and come back with revenge.
Our closets are full of past, present, and future events. Our tools help enlighten your cells and help open a pathway to your well-being.
Everything is Energy, Frequency and Vibration
The Energy that made the Body, Heals the Body
When the Body has the right Energy, It Heals Everything