Are Humans at a Higher Vibrational Frequency in 2024?

No one is attempting to induce a state of panic, but we felt like it might be necessary to share some preliminary evidence that causes one to ask, “Are humans at a higher vibrational frequency in 2024?” While we at Quantum Science Energy are not in the habit of relying on anecdotal evidence, a growing trend in personal reports are indicating that the human body may be more susceptible to subtle energies than in previous years.

Since the beginning of the new year, anecdotal results have been reported at an increased rate, specifically from those using ionic, tesla, and rife technologies. We didn’t really take notice, until one of our elders used our red bed for his quarterly therapeutic treatment. We had observed his use of the red bed before, but when he emerged on this occasion in 2024, his countenance was so buoyant and joyful, it was noticeable, almost if he was glowing.

Are we Growing Younger?

No doubt, this man is not your average 95-year-old. He’s an author who rides dirt bikes, operates heavy equipment on his ranch, neurologically sharp as a tack, inventing and creating improvements for the ranch, and actively consults with individuals regarding health and spirituality. He is an inspiration to us all. But today, he noticed the difference, and coined the phrase, “Even more in ’24!” as we celebrated with him.

His wife took her turn in the red bed, same thing: Emerged with a youthful, joyous radiance. That was when the staff started murmuring about the increase of positive reports. We cannot divulge the content of these anecdotal results, as they may taint our focus on the science of quantum science, but there definitely something going on in 2024.

Time for Calibration

At first, we thought it was the equipment, so we called in our electronics guru and had him test the red bed out thoroughly. He reported it being accurately calibrated. We had him check all the other Tesla and Rife-related electronic gear that we have on site. Again. Everything tests normal, nothing to see here. Maybe we need to calibrate ourselves.

Is the Environment Changing?

Our attention shifted to potential atomic change in the environment, the atmosphere, the air, though obviously this was not a local phenomenon, because the 2024 reports were coming from all over the world, though mostly from the Americas (the United States, Canada, and South America).

Are Humans Evolving in 2024?

That makes you wonder, are humans at a higher vibrational frequency in 2024? The answer to this question exists outside the realm of our expertise. Many disciplines are withing the realm of quantum science and our emphasis leans more toward quantum mechanics, as we deal with mostly energies that can be calibrated, tested, measured, and the effects reproduced with integrity and consistency over time.

Quantum Science Energy Quandary

There are other quantum physics disciplines, such as quantum optics, quantum field theory, quantum computing, quantum information theory, quantum biology, quantum entanglement, and quantum cosmology. Even though our work may interact with these other specialties within the realm of quantum science, we must defer the answer to those more qualified.

One might hypothesize that the quantum biology specialists are probably already aware of the potential for possible evolutionary changes occurring in human bodies all over the planet at this time that may make them more sensitive to subtle energies, such as ionic, Tesla, and Rife-like technologies.

It Might Be Time to Revisit the Old Gear

For those who have Tesla or Rife equipment you’ve forgotten about in the closet or in the basement, it might be time to get it out and give it a go in 2024. Maybe we all could use a little more in ’24.

To What Evolutionary Extent?

It also poses the question,

If mankind is experiencing an evolutionary shift in subtle energy sensitivity, how far might it extend?

That is to propose that mankind may be developing a closer connection to the expanding quantum field, making us more sensitive to natural ionic waves, the energy fields of other people, crystals, herbal preparations, and may also make us more or less vulnerably impacted by chemicals in the environment including the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, and even the clothing that we wear.

What About the Med Beds?

While we are waiting for the arrival (the release of the med beds to the public) of the Med Beds, maybe the time has come to take even better advantage of alternative healing technologies that are available in the present day, while we continue to wait, especially if they may even be more effective today than yesterday.

These are questions that will need to be addressed, if we can determine that such an evolutionary change is actually taking place in the now or is it mere coincidence?

What are your thoughts?