Wayne Rowland Body Charger and the Power of Negative Ions

This innovative quantum science energy device elevates the level of negative ions within your body, reinvigorating your well-being. The Wayne Rowland Body Charger combines Rife and Tesla technologies so that you can rediscover a sense of vitality and fortify your immune system.

Imagine the sensation of standing beside the crashing waves of the ocean or the misty spray of a waterfall. Negative ions, much like these natural wonders, have been shown to enhance alpha brainwaves and elevate brainwave amplitude. This translates to heightened awareness and mental clarity.

These negative ions trigger alpha waves that span from the occipital region to the parietal and temporal lobes, extending even to the frontal lobes and harmonizing activity across both hemispheres. Research by Dr. C.W. Hansell indicates that this harmonization generates an overall sense of tranquility.

The Therapeutic Potential of Negative Ions

The research conducted by a Russian scientific team led by A.L. Tchijevski points to the germicidal properties of negative ions. Their study unveiled that substantial exposure to negative ions led to the eradication of bacteria colony formation on cell plates – an effect observed within the body as well.

It is widely believed that negative ions influence our capacity to absorb and utilize oxygen, enhancing the transportation of oxygen to our cells and tissues. Dr. Gualaterotti’s work further reveals that negative ions contribute to expanding cell nuclei, increasing their volume.

These discoveries hold great significance for our quality of life and immune function. Research from “The Owner’s Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research” indicates that roughly a third of the population exhibits heightened sensitivity to negative ion depletion.

Given the prevalent exposure to positively charged environments resulting from electronics, synthetic materials, clothing, fumes, and more, our society experiences challenges such as allergies, depression, sleep disturbances, tension, compromised immune function, and even the consumption of genetically modified (GMO) foods – all detrimental to well-being.

Positive ions have been shown to diminish our senses and overall disposition by lowering serotonin levels within the body. On the contrary, many of us have felt the revitalizing effects of natural environments near waterfalls, rivers, or oceans. Falling water generates numerous negative ions, which, when inhaled, elevate serotonin levels, fostering feelings of euphoria, attentiveness, and contentment.

The Wayne Rowland Body Charger emits negative ions that are absorbed into the body through an electrostatic charge. The device offers adjustable electrostatic charge settings to cater to individual needs and preferences.

Experience the Power – Recharge Your Health

Recognized for its remarkable ability to invigorate and empower the body, the Wayne Rowland Body Charger is renowned for offering respite from physical discomfort. This innovative device is reputed for its potential to fortify the body, facilitate blood and lung purification, aid intestinal tract health, and rejuvenate cellular and glandular functions, thereby bolstering the overall immune system.

The Wayne Rowland Body Charger is based on a combination of Rife and Tesla technologies and has garnered noteworthy attention. Testimonials from Wayne Rowland’s users have revealed even more impressive outcomes through the combination of Body Charger therapy and his Clean Me Up Program (featuring Silver Water, Greens, Enzymes, and Iodine). This synergistic approach provides optimum nutritional support for tissue and organ repair, revitalization, and reconstruction.

The Significance of Wayne Rowland’s Body Charger and its Beneficial Impact

Many chronic conditions are characterized by diminished voltage levels within the body. Just as an automobile requires a functional battery for motion, a body’s operational health is contingent upon its electrical system. Key influencers of voltage include thyroid hormone, fulvic acid, dental well-being, scar tissue, and physical activity. Addressing this, the Body Charger administers trillions of negatively charged ions, imparting static electricity to the body.

Unveiling the Role of Voltage in Health

Cellular equilibrium is maintained between pH 7.35 and 7.45, equating to voltages of -20mV and -25mV respectively. Cells function optimally within this voltage range as electron donors (negative) or electron acceptors (positive). Sustaining health hinges on generating new cells, requiring a voltage of -50mV, coupled with a wholesome diet and effective toxin elimination.

Voltage decline hampers organ functionality and impedes the body’s toxin elimination mechanisms, leading to toxic accumulation. Given that cells are predominantly composed of water, diminishing voltage results in oxygen depletion from cells, facilitating the survival of pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells, which thrive in low-oxygen environments.

Maintaining an optimal oxygen-rich environment suppresses the activity of the myriad microorganisms in the body. As voltage dwindles further, a shift from electron donation to electron theft (change in polarity) occurs. A voltage drop to +30mV signifies the onset of cancer. Sustaining adequate voltage levels thus becomes paramount.

To delve deeper into this subject and access comprehensive information, Jerry Tennant, MD’s work “Healing is Voltage” is a recommended resource.

It’s important to note that this device lacks FDA approval or registration.

Unleash the Power of Negative Ions with Wayne Rowland’s Body Negative Ion Charger – Exceeding the Might of Known Waterfalls

Can you imagine the invigorating sensations experienced near waterfalls, after an electrical storm, or visiting high mountain ranges? These phenomena stem from body charging, where thousands of negative ions abound. Positive ions can diminish our senses and dispositions, while also impacting diverse facets like plant growth and the human libido.

Incorporate Wayne Rowland’s Body Charger into your well-being regimen, and unlock the potential for enhanced vitality and health.

The invigorating sensation near a waterfall is akin to the refreshing experience of being on the Body Charger. Research has demonstrated the positive effects of negative ions (negions) on mood and depression relief. These ions have proven to be effective in lifting mood, alleviating depression, and mitigating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), commonly known as winter depression.

Furthermore, notable researchers and institutions hold a patent for employing negative ions in the treatment of depression. Beyond their impact on mood, negative ions have shown efficacy in addressing a range of conditions, including:

      • Dust allergies
      • Pollen allergies (grass, weed, and tree pollen)
      • Dust mite allergies
      • Smoke elimination
      • Animal dander allergies
      • Mold spores
      • Hay fever
      • Asthma
      • Air purification
      • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
      • Chronic fatigue
      • Odor reduction (cooking and smoking within the home)

It’s crucial to clarify that the Body Charging device is distinct from a Rife Frequency Generator and doesn’t share any connection with Dr. Rife’s Technology. Therefore, it doesn’t generate Rife Mortal Oscillatory Rates (MORs) or frequencies. The concept of frequencies within the context of the Body Charger’s user manual can lead to confusion. Initially, there appeared to be a correlation between the displayed numbers on the Wayne Rowland Body Charger and Rife Frequencies, yet this was not the case.

The Body Charger operates with enhanced healing potential in higher voltage/pressure ranges. However, acclimation might be necessary, as some individuals might find the sensation of the high-voltage static field uncomfortable initially. The device employs cutting-edge medical and aerospace components to produce a low-level direct current variable high voltage static source, flooding the body/object with negatively charged ions. These ions combat free radicals and a broad spectrum of pathogenic invaders, including viruses, bacteria, micro-parasites, and fungi.

The Body Charger is analogous to having numerous Duracell batteries connected in a series configuration, resulting in a constant flow of direct current. It doesn’t involve frequencies. The grounding activity is akin to a battery’s cap, while the negative output charges the body with trillions of negatively charged ions through static electricity, evoking a sense of well-being.

The Wayne Rowland Body Charger, a remarkable spiritual healing tool, is suitable for Licensed Spiritual Healers and Home Users alike. By infusing the body with millions of negative ions, it promotes the cellular attraction of positive ions, which are linked to disease and illness. Strengthening the body’s electric field via negative ions elevates Serotonin, the “feel-good” hormone, fostering improved mood, inner calm, reduced stress reactions, and an elevated quality of life through natural self-healing.

Operating on static electricity harnessed from negative ions, the Wayne Rowland Body Charger bolsters autonomic nerve function, enhances cell membrane permeability, and boosts metabolism. Addressing low-voltage cells and imbalances, the device promotes cellular rejuvenation through nutrition, toxin elimination, and voltage increase. This comprehensive approach supports the entire body system by detoxifying the liver and lymph, heightening energy levels, and diminishing inflammation.

The Wayne Rowland Body Charger is also known as the CGAM Body Charger.


Why Add Telsa Violet Ray Frequencies to Healing Devices?

Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor and visionary, is celebrated for his groundbreaking contributions to science and technology. Among his many innovations, one lesser-known gem is Tesla’s Violet Ray technology. This remarkable invention, often referred to as “cold rays,” has garnered attention for its unique healing properties and diverse range of applications. In this article, we delve into the world of Tesla’s Violet Ray, exploring its characteristics, applications, and the profound impact it has had on various medical conditions.

The Nature of Tesla’s Violet Rays

Unlike conventional heat-based therapies, Tesla’s Violet Rays emit minimal heat, earning them the moniker “cold rays.” These rays are characterized by their easy absorption by the human body and their limited penetration depth compared to conventional heat waves. This unique quality makes them ideal for a wide array of therapeutic applications.

Applications of Tesla’s Violet Rays

Tesla’s Violet Rays found extensive use in various medical treatments, thanks to their gentle and non-invasive nature. Some of the notable applications include:

  1. Aural, Nasal, and Throat Treatments: Tesla’s Violet Rays were particularly well-suited for addressing issues in the ears, nose, and throat, providing relief from various conditions.
  2. Rectal, Prostatic, Urethral, and Vaginal Treatments: These rays offered non-invasive alternatives for addressing concerns in these sensitive areas, effectively treating related ailments.

Safety and Efficacy

One of the remarkable aspects of Tesla’s Violet Rays is their impeccable safety record. Throughout its history of usage, there is no recorded case of injury resulting from the proper or improper application of Tesla’s Violet Ray technology. This means that both experienced practitioners and novices alike could use this technology without fear of harm, underscoring its safety and effectiveness.

Therapeutic Benefits

The therapeutic benefits of Tesla’s Violet Ray technology are vast and impressive. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Reduction of Congestion and Inflammation: Tesla’s Violet Rays are highly effective at reducing congestion and inflammation, providing relief from a wide range of discomforts.
  2. Induction of Relaxation: These rays have been known to induce relaxation in cardiac and nervous systems, promoting overall well-being.
  3. Antiseptic Properties: Tesla’s Violet Rays act as non-irritating antiseptics, facilitating the healing of skin lesions and infections.
  4. Metabolic Enhancement: They can increase general metabolism, stimulate glandular activity, and elevate bodily heat, promoting overall health.
  5. Oxygenation and Hemoglobin: Tesla’s Violet Rays can enhance oxidization and hemoglobin levels in the body, improving oxygen transport and circulation.
  6. Promotion of Secretions and Elimination: They stimulate secretions and elimination processes, aiding the body in detoxification.
  7. Blood Pressure Regulation: In cases of hypertension, Tesla’s Violet Rays have demonstrated the ability to lower blood pressure, offering a natural remedy for this common health issue.
  8. Soothing to the Nervous System: These rays have a calming effect on the nervous system, making them valuable in reducing stress and anxiety.

Conditions Treated

Tesla’s Violet Ray technology has been employed in the treatment of a wide spectrum of conditions, including but not limited to:

    • Neuritis
    • Chronic nephritis
    • Neuralgias
    • Rheumatism
    • Gout
    • Sciatica
    • Diabetes
    • Asthma
    • Dyspepsia
    • Impotence
    • Influenza
    • Leucorrhea
    • Paralysis
    • Pneumonia
    • Gonorrhea
    • Hay fever
    • High blood pressure
    • Anemia
    • Tuberculosis
    • Headaches
    • Digestive complaints

In the realm of medical innovation, Tesla’s Violet Ray technology stands as a testament to Nikola Tesla’s genius. Its unique characteristics and wide-ranging applications have made it a valuable tool in addressing various health conditions. With a proven safety record and a history of effectiveness, Tesla’s Violet Ray technology remains an intriguing chapter in the world of alternative medicine, offering hope and relief to those seeking gentle and non-invasive healing solutions.

With the help of Wayne Rowland and his definitive collection of original Tesla Technology, Quantum Science Energy has isolated the Tesla Violet Ray frequencies for inclusion in other healing devices, such as the Tesla Terahertz Wand.

The terahertz healing wand technology has been out for a while. The notable improvements made to these devices are the addition of Tesla’s Violet Ray frequencies to the device which are installed by Wayne Rowland technologies in the State of California lab.