Affordable Terahertz Water Creation and Usage

Treating water with terahertz frequencies is part of new research which is emerging technology as more experimentation and documentation is taking place in scientific laboratories around the world. Unwilling to wait for the official reports many people using terahertz wands have taken their enthusiasm and technology to the streets and claim to be infusing water with their terahertz frequency wand devices.

As the research continues in the labs, preliminary reports are coming in from the countless users of these terahertz frequency wand devices that at least give an anecdotal basis for even further research and experimentation.

While more complicated scientific methods are proposed for creating terahertz-infused water, users report that the terahertz frequency wand device effectively energizes normal drinking water which reduces free radicals and increases the oxygen content of the water.

$129 THz Wand

Terahertz water is perfectly frequency-matched to biological cells which transports beneficial nutrients and minerals more rapidly and efficiently throughout the body while increasing the proliferation of oxygen throughout the body.

Other claims include breaking the water particles into a linear chain and increasing their bioavailability.

We tested the most affordable THz Tesla Terahertz Angel Wand by energizing a container of water for 2 minutes as seen here.

Note, that this is not a commercial device and should not be used to create terahertz water continuously. It is recommended to let the wand rest and cool down for 20 minutes prior to the next use. For more information, see: How to Make and Use Terahertz Water with a Terahertz Wand

Drinking terahertz water throughout the day is said to enhance cellular activity in the body and increase the body’s ability to eliminate toxins as well as process and eliminate waste while rebuilding weaker cells.

Detoxification is greatly enhanced by using terahertz water enabling the body to better handle the inherent detoxification process by dissolving and eliminating unused nutrients, minerals, cholesterol, and fat that would otherwise be needlessly stored in the body, thereby causing the system to bog down.

Benefits of Terahertz Water

  • Energizes normal drinking water
  • Increased oxygen
  • Frequency-match to biological cells
  • Linear chain water molecules
  • 2-minute treatment time
  • Enhance cellular activity
  • Eliminate toxins and waste more efficiently
  • Rebuilding weakened cells

By spraying terahertz water and even using the heated and energized wand lightly overexposed areas of the body, even more, reports come in that might be similar to stories representing a sort of “fountain of youth” effect.

Youthful Therapeutic Skin Treatment

The users of the terahertz wands are making profound claims about increased health and healing using the terahertz devices and also report age-defying rejuvenation. Everything from the elimination of arthritic conditions to the return of youthful vitality, and new hair growth, and the return of original hair color that had faded with age. Then there is the revitalized skin with the return of natural collagen, elasticity, and youthful vibrance.

Terahertz Skin Treatment

  • Heightened moisturization of the skin
  • Increased skin elasticity
  • Wrinkle and fine line removal
  • Lifting facial contours
  • Tightening of skin that has loosened over time
  • Effective treatment of dermatitis
  • Eliminate acne
  • Remove moles, skin tags, and scars

Of course, science has yet to verify these common anecdotal claims reported by regular users, yet they continue to come in with accuracy and consistency.

See: Why Add Tesla?




Affordable Tesla THz Angel Wand for Personal Use

Tesla THz Angel Wand Blower powered by Quantum Science Energy delivers terahertz waves in a convenient lightweight package that offers incredible results at a reduced price for simple home use. Unlike commercial high-end Terahertz devices that sell for hundreds to thousands of dollars, the Tesla THz Angel Wand blower is designed for personal use only.

Affordable Tesla THz Angel Wand for personal use

Commercial devices may be designed for continual use for hours at a time, while it is advised that the Tesla THz Angel Wand is allowed to rest and cool down following 20 minutes of use.

$129 THz Wand

Components include terahertz technologies augmented by quantum science energy to create a multifaceted delivery of healing energies for plants and animals. Technology includes both integrated and passive circuitry, blue and infrared light, crystal energy, blower velocity, and heat therapy to direct energetic emissions to specific targets.

THz Angel Wand water

Passing the Tesla THz Angel Wand over water and food for 20 seconds is reported by those who do so regularly to energize the food and water, in a sense bringing it back to life. Plus, it tastes and “feels” better when consumed.

Using Quantum Science Energy to infuse drinking water via the THz Angel Wand blower is said to have the effect of transforming the water. People claim that the Tesla THz Angel Wand changes the molecules, making them more bioavailable, while improving the taste of whatever is being ingested, and veterinarians report that animals agree as well.

While other hair dryers damage hair, the Tesla THz Angel Wand has the absolute opposite effect on hair. Clients of hairstylists who use the Tesla THz Angel Wand as a hair dryer report return of original hair color as well as new hair growth over time for a more youthful appearance. The reduced price of the Angel unit makes it affordable for hair clients to take one home for continued daily use as an invigorating hair blower that energizes the hair and promotes the growth of hair.

The Tesla THz Angel Wand Blower powered by Quantum Science Energy includes the same embedded technologies as more robust units including the crystal chamber, terahertz and ion generators, blue and infrared lights, Tesla, and Reiki frequencies. Tesla frequencies include the Tesla violet ray healing technology that has been acclaimed to promote healing in all animals.

The Tesla THz Angel Wand has been compared to more expensive units that have been promoted via multilevel marketing and through other marketing campaigns. Reports seem to agree that the effects are similar to more expensive heavy-duty therapeutic terahertz blowers. Some have offered superior marks on this smaller personal version, claiming that the low entry cost makes it far more valuable as it is much more affordable putting it within the reach of more people who desire to have access to these new technologies.

As our world is becoming more technologically advanced, all living things are being bombarded with radiation and energy waves that are toxic in nature. The multifaceted approaches offered by the Tesla THz Angel Wand are effective in combatting and neutralizing the effects of the damages incurred by technologies that cause the degeneration of natural life sources.

We are pleased to be able to provide a less expensive manner of introducing this groundbreaking technology that is said to be the precursor to med bed technology which is not far off.

Note: These devices have been upgraded with Tesla Violet Ray Healing Frequencies, installed by Wayne Rowland Laboratories in California.

See: Why Add Tesla?


How to Make and Use Terahertz Water with a Tesla Terahertz Wand

There is a lot of people talking about using their Wholesale Tesla Terahertz Wand to make terahertz frequency infused water, and they are ecstatic about the results. We were able to get a natural alternative specialist to help explain how to make the terahertz water and how to use it.

Note this is one person who uses the Wholesale Tesla Terahertz Wand explaining from her perspective. We are supplying this information as just that. Information only. This is not medical advice nor is it endorsed by Quantum Science Energy. Feel free to leave your comments and questions below to help others who may be looking for similar information.

How to Make and Use Terahertz Water with a Terahertz Wand

Your body for the most part is 65 to 70 % water. Every living creature requires some water, plants, animals, and humans.

Now 60 some years later and this is what I do. I use a wand called a Tesla Terahertz Frequency Wand; it has a sticker inside of a cylinder that is crystal. It’s combined with a blue light, infrared and IONs, this combination of frequencies and the blowing of warm and hot air, the wand creates the perfect way to disburse in your water these frequencies. Some simple rules:

    1. Try to fill a container (preferably glass or metal) ¾ way full of water.
    2. Hold your wand directly over the water, far enough away not to have it splash out of the container. Swirl the wand around to stimulate the water and make a few waves. This way the water will be able to carry the frequency throughout the container.
    3. Amount of time to use the wand on your water to have it be effective:
    4. 8 Oz glass or cup of water 1 minute is enough.  Let it set for 5 minutes.
    5. 16 Oz glass or container 1 to 1 ½ minutes. Let it stand for 5 minutes.
    6. 1 Gallon Water 2 to 3 minutes and let stand for 5 minutes.
    7. More than one gallon of water uses it for 2 minutes and then for each additional gallon add a minute. Example 5 gallons would be 6 minutes.
    8. If I’m needing more water to do a project that is larger than a five-gallon container, I do five gallons and then add more water separately. Or you can do a couple of gallons at a time.
    9. Make sure your container is clean, dry to start and then wand away. There are no set rules this is what has worked for me, and I recommend to friends.
    10. We have Terahertz Energy cards that work for food products that can’t really be wanding. Soon to have our magnetic pads back in stock and those are amazing.

Now, what is wanding your Terahertz Water good for?

Water that has been exposed to wanding tends to taste better. Here is a list of what I use my Terahertz water for:

    • Watering my plants
    • Rinsing my Hair
    • Dehydration before and after workout
    • Cooking
    • Brushing my teeth
    • Using in my diffusers with aromatherapy
    • Using in my sauna water tank
    • Feeding my animals, water bowl
    • Washing clothes by hand, dishes, general cleaning with spray bottle.
    • Fish tank
    • Hydroponics
    • Baby bath
    • Water bottles
    • Herbal Teas

I’m, sure that you will find many other ways and uses for Terahertz water in your lifestyle that fit your needs.

$129 THz Wand

Wanding your body is another way to reach the cells that need healing. We can drink the water and that helps from the inside, and we can expose our skin on the outside.

Note: These devices have been upgraded with Tesla Violet Ray Healing Frequencies, installed by Wayne Rowland Laboratories in California.

See: Why Add Tesla?


Terahertz Frequencies Charged Water

There is a current trend of users of the THz Wholesale Terahertz Wand focussing on treating regular drinking water with Terahertz frequencies from the wand, then drinking or otherwise using the water, and the news of its efficacy is spreading like wildfire.

We all realize that without water, nothing lives, water is our cell’s conductor to life energy, apparently even more so, if the water has been treated with Terahertz energy from the THz Wholesale Terahertz Wand first.

Water increases greatly the efficiency of the immune system in the bone marrow, where the immune system is said to have been formed (all its mechanisms) – including its efficiency against cancer or other diseases.

Water can energize food, and food particles are then able to supply the body with this energy during digestion. Therefore, food without water is known to have absolutely no energy value for the body. Water increases the body’s rate of absorption of essential substances in food.

Terahertz-infused water is a better pick-me-up than any other beverage in the world and it has no side effects as it helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It gives us power and electrical energy for all brain functions, most particularly thinking. It energizes the efficient manufacture of all neurotransmitters and hormones including serotonin and melatonin.

Is drinking Terahertz water daily healthy?

Drinking any water over your body’s ability to absorb the water is not good and could lead to water overdose or dilutional hyponatremia. Anyone can benefit from the regular drinking of Terahertz-treated water, especially those afflicted with maladies that would be considered serious in nature. Just do not overdo it, and if you are of advanced age, drink smaller portions throughout the day, being careful not to challenge your kidneys.

Caution: People who are on stringent heart medication or have pacemakers should avoid Terahertz-infused water.

How long does it take to treat water?

You can treat from 1 cup to 5 liters of water by holding the device above the glass or container’s opening directing the energy to the surface of the water for 2 minutes to fully charge the water.

Will Terahertz infusion purify my water?

No. Whatever your water has in it will still remain. Terahertz waves affect only the H2O, the rest of the water’s contents remain unaffected. Minerals will be unchanged, but so will contaminants. It is recommended that commercially available water be filtered or purified by some other method prior to drinking.

Does the process of treating water with Terahertz frequencies produce alkaline water?

No. Although treating water with Terahertz energy will lower the acidity of the water which is highly determined by the source of the water’s origin.

Can Terahertz treated water be boiled or frozen?

Yes, water that has been treated with terahertz will maintain the same terahertz-treated characteristics and integrity through any heating or cooling process.

What are the best containers to use when carrying or storing Terahertz water?

Glass containers and bottles are the first choices of containers to use for storing and carrying your Terahertz-treated water, followed by ceramic or PET plastic containers. Metal containers should be avoided as they interfere with the Terahertz frequency.

Likewise, metal containers should not be used when treating water with terahertz waves.

What is Terahertz-treated water?

When water is radiated by Terahertz frequencies, the result is resonance-activated water molecules and low-frequency H2O.

Feel free to ask your questions below, and we’ll do our best to get the answers for you.