Negative Ion Science

For those who are looking for solid science and reputable research studies on the positive effects of human exposure to negative ions, they have been studied since the 1930s, even though the energy dates back to before man appeared on our planet.

Beyond mother nature, this invisible energy can be measured by a variety of testing equipment, and thanks to studies being done by institutions such as the Columbia University in New York, where Michael Terman, PhD, says, “The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods,” and also reports, “The best part is that there are relatively no side effects.”

Be Cautious of Non-natural Sources

Terman also warns us about buying ion generators because the ion emissions that are reported in advertising can be highly overrated and may not be sufficient to yield an effective antidepressant dose.

Dr. Svante August Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist, is credited with the discovery of negative ions. He formulated a theory regarding ionization (i.e., electrolytic dissociation). Dr. Phillip Eduard Anton Lennard, a Nobel Prize winner, confirmed that negative ions (i.e., anions) can be found in high concentrations at sea sides and in the basins of waterfalls.

Cognitive Enhancement

Over at the Center for Applied Cognitive in Charlotte NC, Pierce J Howard, PhD, author of The Owners’ Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research, says, “Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy.”

Airborne Germ Protection

And according to Howard, “They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation.”

Some More Sensitive than Others

Dr. Howard reports that some of us are more receptive to and are therefore more positively impacted by the exposure to negative ions, about one-third of us, and you can tell if you are noticeably positively affected by opening a window and taking in a breath of fresh, humid air, roll down the car window, or step outside.

Regulates Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

A study conducted by the Department of Human Health Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan concluded that “Exposure to negative air ions significantly reduces blood pressure and heart rate.”

Benefits for Athletes

British researchers at the Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences in Liverpool exposed male subjects to negative ions and measured physiological responses, including body temperature, heart rate, and respiration, while at rest and during exercise. Negative ions were found to significantly improve all physiological states, particularly during rest.


According to JM. Olivereau based on research conducted at the University Paris VI, a multitude of studies indicates that research works conducted on various forms of headaches indicate measurable reduction results with negative air ions.

A study conducted at the University of Surrey, England, by Dr. Hawkins reports headache complaints decreased by 50% with negative air ions.

No Risk of Harmful Effects

A.P. Krueger at the University of California Berkeley concludes that no harm can come from exposing oneself to high levels of negative ions, specifically that no one as yet has found that the negative air ion concentrations may be harmful.

4x Activated Energy Card Emits Terahertz + Tesla + Negative Ion + Reiki Energies

And that is just a sampling of the scientific research based on reputable studies. Go ahead, conduct a search on Google yourself, and you will find over 200 million results.



Negative Ion Science

There is much ado about negative ions in the emerging sciences that cause you to wonder if there really is something to this energy that surrounds us each and every day and how it affects our bodies and to a certain degree who we are and how we integrate with the world around us.

The health benefits of negative ions have been widely reported since the 1950s and scientific studies have been conducted by accredited and reputable research bodies and medical professionals, which has fostered the experimentation and use of negative ions in the treatment of a variety of maladies. While you might think that this research may have been promulgated among Eastern philosophical circles, the scientific research was conducted in Russia, Europe, and the United States.

What Does the Research on the Effect of Negative Ions Indicate?

Scientific conclusions of these studies have revealed a surprising array of potential medical applications for this unseen energy, which cannot be bottled and profited from my pharmaceutical companies.

Some of them include the effective treatment for

  • Depression
  • Regulating mood swings
  • Respiratory problems
  • Healing wounds
  • Burns
  • Insomnia
  • Cortisol reduction
  • Airborne virus elimination
  • Cancer treatment

Heightening human potential, such as

  • Increased cognition
  • Strengthening memory and recall
  • Reduction of recovery time in athletes
  • Increased reflex reaction
  • Improved musclebuilding

You can see why this concerns the pharmaceutical companies and the medical community they support. The idea that something that is invisible, cannot be seen, bottled, patented, or trademarked, and therefore profited from, can heal or improve the performance of human beings is ludicrous and a threat to their solvency (and superiority). This is no doubt why you will find other studies that may contradict the original findings and scientific conclusions financed by the pharmaceuticals.

To think that by just walking on the grass barefoot, lounging by the lake, taking a walk on the beach, sitting on a dock, smelling the fragrance of live ocean waves, or taking a stroll outside following a storm, that any of this could have any medicinal benefit is absurd.

They might try to dissuade the medical community and the general populace by propagating misinformation, but the fact remains, “it works.”


How to Connect to Mother Earth

God has given you everything that you need to enjoy all the best things this life has to offer by learning how to connect to mother earth. Your world was pre-loaded with soothing and healing energies that you may access just by placing yourself in the natural energetic fields which can be found in certain places and circumstances.

Waterfalling: Enjoy a natural negative ion shower

So, where are these places where you can nearly feel the love of the angels swirling around you? You can schedule a visit to a natural body of water, as a beach or lake, and you can maximize your connection to the planet by kicking off your shoes and walking with your feet in the sand. This is a tremendous bonding of your human body with the earth’s mother, and you can feel the efficacy of it immediately.

Granted, you may not live near a large body of water, so do not give up. Next, look for a place where you can find naturally growing grass in the dirt of our planet. Remove your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass. It is best to balance your body above your feet and move around in the grass. Feel free to take breaks to sit, and grasp the grass with your toes, then get up and continue to ambulate barefoot in the grass. The best effects can be noticed walking on the naturally moist grass, either from the morning’s dew or a fresh rain.

How to connect to your world requires removing any synthetic barrier that may exist between you and the earth, which is a lot less common in our present-day culture than it was for our ancestors. And all you need to do is to bare your feet. No cheating here, if you really want to experience the fullness of the energetic cleansing. That means, no socks, no flip flops, or sandals. No walking on the path or boardwalk, get those bare-naked feet into the sand or in the grass.

You spend so much time separated from your world, that you probably don’t even remember what being connected to it feels like. We’re separated from the world by wood, concrete, and asphalt, especially in the city, and natural bodies of water and grass growing from the earth may be hard to find. Grass can grow in dirt separated from the earth, and you will not be able to plug into the planet’s energy if it is disconnected. You might be able to recreate the feel of natural grass, which can be therapeutic, but you will not tap into the energy.

This energy is verified and measurable by the scientific method and has been identified as negative ions. These negative ions permeate all body tissues, blood, bone, and brain barriers, soothing the holistic being and boosting your immunity and these effects are increased as more connective exposure is achieved over time.

You will also find the air and the wet surface of the earth (even if separated by synthetic barriers) after a storm completely energized with the mother earth’s naturally negative ions. Get out in nature’s remnants after a storm connects with your flesh and you can feel the soothing heartbeat of your world.

If you are stuck in the city and have no way to get to bathe in natural negative ions, science has provided ways for us to access negative ions, which even though they are not necessarily naturally connected to the world, science reinforces that the same benefits can be realized by exposing yourself to negative ions, in whatever way you can find to get yourself into this powerful field of energy.

One way could be to get a grounding mat. You can stand barefoot on the grounding mat that is plugged into the ground circuit of your home or office, and you find yourself bathing in the flow of negative ions. Other methods of getting in touch with negative ions include using a negative ion pendant, or having a Himalayan salt lamp nearby,

Negative Ion + Tesla + Terahertz + Reiki in 1

If you are using any of these other methods to shower yourself in negative ions on the office or at home, think about removing the producers of positive ions from the room that you’re trying to use to charge yourself with negative ions. As you may have guessed that they will cancel each other out, and there may be little or no negative ion flow for your body to absorb.

Items that produce the counterproductive positive ions found in Electronic Magnetic Fields (EMF) include phones, entertainment centers, computers, televisions, tablets, smartwatches, and other electronics, especially those that may be connected to Wi-Fi.


Negative Ions for Measurable Positive Healthy Results

For over 250 years, our world has been pumping pollutants into our atmosphere and dumping toxins into our water, and if that wasn’t enough, we are being showered in toxic electronic transmission frequencies that have been growing in intensity over the last 80 years.

There are very few life forms including flora and fauna which would not test positive for these contaminants, they have become a part of our world, and in the most industrialized areas, the pervasive effects can be easily reviewed, not by testing the air or the water, but by reviewing the quality of life of the inhabitants of the area in any geographical location.

What do you find?

  1. Decreased life span
  2. Weakened immune system
  3. Lack of energy
  4. Pervasive cancers
  5. Increase mental illness, sickness, and disease
  6. Irritability, anger, hatred in the rise
  7. Increased rate of aging
  8. More allergies and respiratory issues
  9. Loss if mental acuity and physical agility
  10. Reproductive problems and birth defects

Not only are the people suffering from the minimal quality of life and are not living longer, but the wildlife native to these localities is in risk of extinction as well. Our communities are deteriorating right before our eyes, and it’s easy to understand why people might feel hopeless, asking questions like, “What’s the point?” or, “What could one person do?”

One person may not be able to battle a system that is clearly out of control, but one person can be proactive and focus on what he or she could do to protect him or her-self from the meaningless destruction of quality of life. Some will move to remote properties and live off the land. These people are referred to as Preppers or off-grid. Others still remain in the cities, suburbs, and towns, and must find their own ways to find methods to safeguard themselves against the powers that place them in harm’s way every day.

We know that positive ions (which though they sound “positive” are hugely negative and life-threatening) are produced in the body by exposing oneself to all this toxic energy and contaminants, and this is responsible for our rapidly declining health.

And it’s not just you who is suffering the effects of these positive ions, but it affects your children, and your pets, putting them at risk as well. There has been a growing awareness of the positive effect of negative ions on the human body for the last 65 years.

A basic interpretation regarding the benefits of applying negative ions to an environment flooded with positive ions can be found in stormy weather. When Mother Nature is having her way with us in terms of weather systems, the whole environment is heavily influenced, especially the human body, and you can see the effects by again measuring the quality of life. People get headaches, irritable, suffer from lack of energy, depression, the immune system declines, and if the weather systems persist for too long, people get sick, feel a resurgence of effects from previous injuries, and start going to their doctors and hospitals. Yet, when these same people are exposed to negative ions during the weather event, they immediately start to feel better.

Applying negative ions to a human body that is high in positive ions has an instantaneously noticeable and measurable effect. You can easily measure the effect, not by hooking you up to fancy equipment, but by how you feel. People who felt lethargic feel more energetic. People who had headaches or generally not feeling well instantly start feeling better, and those who are suffering from irritability start feeling more peaceful and serene, and it goes on and on (and on and on).

What are the most powerful ways negative ions can benefit you?

Better Sleep

Most people who suffer from pervasive positive ion energy have trouble sleeping at night and its one of the things that you are likely to notice soon after exposure to negative ions. You might think that this is based on anecdotal testimonials, which it is, but it is also backed up by science. For instance, in one scientific study conducted on athletes, they noted the positive effects of applying negative ions to competitive sports participants. They measured increased performance and shorter recovery times, but what they didn’t expect to find was that the athletes who were exposed to negative ions were experience better, deeper, sleep overnight. You can expect this as well.

Sufferers of insomnia and sleep apnea have also claimed to have enjoyed the better sleep provided by the negative ions.

Respiratory Recovery

People suffering from respiratory issued report rapid recovery from being exposed to negative ion energy. Negative ions are known to moderate blood pressure by dilating blood vessels which positively supports a healthy cardiovascular system, reducing heart attacks and strokes across the board.

Just by breathing the air, we are putting our physiology at risk by breathing in the toxicity all around us (which also is true for what we eat, drink, and otherwise expose ourselves to either intentionally or unintentionally) we are ingesting contaminants that find their way into the bloodstream, thereby clogging and disrupting normal blood flow, negative ions help to reverse these conditions.

Lungs also clear and benefit as well as other respiratory problems such as hay fever, emphysema and bronchitis, and others.

Increased Immunity and Viral Protection

More science measuring the effects of negative ions on human physiology measures greater immunity by stabilizing the ionic balance of the body. This harmonic balance allows the natural immune system to operate more efficiently. Which offers an increase of 40% protection from invisible viruses. And the approach of applying negative ions does not interfere with other medications, such as antibiotics.

What Other Benefits are Measurable?

Exposure to negative ions measurably increases natural levels of essential sodium and calcium, while promoting a greater alkaline pH balance. Not to mention countering depression and other negative mental issues such as irritability and angry outbursts by boosting serotonin levels in the brain.

And so much more…