What is a wholesale Tesla terahertz wand device?

Benefits of Terahertz Melecular Alignment and Harmonization
Self-treatment Method

Quantum Science Energy Healing Products
The med beds are here. Today they are being unveiled in Germany and who knows when the bureaucracy will open the doors for the USA, nonetheless the med beds are coming and we are waiting for our delivery when they get the green light. In the meantime, you can experience some of the med bed technology now.
Today, we have the wholesale terahertz wands that offer four of the benefits provided by the med beds in a compact, simple to use, hand-held device.
The four types of med bed healing modalities included in the wholesale terahertz wand start with the focused deployment of terahertz frequency (oscillating between 1 trillion Hz and 100 trillion Hz) energy emission in wavelengths that harmonizes with human cells.
The wholesale terahertz wand includes the dissemination of full-spectrum quantum frequencies including those currently used in existing medical science technologies to enhance the human body, supporting organ and muscle regeneration while energizing cellularly.
Quartz crystal energy frequency transmissions (672 Hz – 768 Hz), FAR infrared light technology, as well as the Tesla energetic frequencies (333 Hz, 639 Hz, 999 Hz), amplify the efficacy of the device while strengthening neurological function and the aura.
Radiant solar energy (1/40th of the sun’s UV energy) combines the terahertz, quantum, and quartz energies, delivering the healing power to the body, radiating the frequencies through the skin and tissues to deliver the payload to the intended target area with laser-like accuracy.
Like the med beds that, but are not available in the United States, the wholesale terahertz wand, which has just become available, is a way to experience a portion of the healing qualities of the med bed technologies that work with light, atmospheric, heat, and frequency emission, that irradicate unhealthy cells and detoxify while promoting healthy cell growth and raising natural immunity.
Benefits of the Wholesale Terahertz Wand
Pain release
- Cell repair
- Eliminates unhealthy cells
- Stem cell activation
- Neutralize free radicals
- Endocrine gland regulation
- Reduces inflammation
- Detoxing the body
- Improved circulation
- Improved cell processes
- Raises self-healing capabilities
- Clears unhealthy body moisture and fats
- Slow the biological aging process
For over 250 years, our world has been pumping pollutants into our atmosphere and dumping toxins into our water, and if that wasn’t enough, we are being showered in toxic electronic transmission frequencies that have been growing in intensity over the last 80 years.
There are very few life forms including flora and fauna which would not test positive for these contaminants, they have become a part of our world, and in the most industrialized areas, the pervasive effects can be easily reviewed, not by testing the air or the water, but by reviewing the quality of life of the inhabitants of the area in any geographical location.
Not only are the people suffering from the minimal quality of life and are not living longer, but the wildlife native to these localities is in risk of extinction as well. Our communities are deteriorating right before our eyes, and it’s easy to understand why people might feel hopeless, asking questions like, “What’s the point?” or, “What could one person do?”
One person may not be able to battle a system that is clearly out of control, but one person can be proactive and focus on what he or she could do to protect him or her-self from the meaningless destruction of quality of life. Some will move to remote properties and live off the land. These people are referred to as Preppers or off-grid. Others still remain in the cities, suburbs, and towns, and must find their own ways to find methods to safeguard themselves against the powers that place them in harm’s way every day.
We know that positive ions (which though they sound “positive” are hugely negative and life-threatening) are produced in the body by exposing oneself to all this toxic energy and contaminants, and this is responsible for our rapidly declining health.
And it’s not just you who is suffering the effects of these positive ions, but it affects your children, and your pets, putting them at risk as well. There has been a growing awareness of the positive effect of negative ions on the human body for the last 65 years.
A basic interpretation regarding the benefits of applying negative ions to an environment flooded with positive ions can be found in stormy weather. When Mother Nature is having her way with us in terms of weather systems, the whole environment is heavily influenced, especially the human body, and you can see the effects by again measuring the quality of life. People get headaches, irritable, suffer from lack of energy, depression, the immune system declines, and if the weather systems persist for too long, people get sick, feel a resurgence of effects from previous injuries, and start going to their doctors and hospitals. Yet, when these same people are exposed to negative ions during the weather event, they immediately start to feel better.
Applying negative ions to a human body that is high in positive ions has an instantaneously noticeable and measurable effect. You can easily measure the effect, not by hooking you up to fancy equipment, but by how you feel. People who felt lethargic feel more energetic. People who had headaches or generally not feeling well instantly start feeling better, and those who are suffering from irritability start feeling more peaceful and serene, and it goes on and on (and on and on).
What are the most powerful ways negative ions can benefit you?
Most people who suffer from pervasive positive ion energy have trouble sleeping at night and its one of the things that you are likely to notice soon after exposure to negative ions. You might think that this is based on anecdotal testimonials, which it is, but it is also backed up by science. For instance, in one scientific study conducted on athletes, they noted the positive effects of applying negative ions to competitive sports participants. They measured increased performance and shorter recovery times, but what they didn’t expect to find was that the athletes who were exposed to negative ions were experience better, deeper, sleep overnight. You can expect this as well.
Sufferers of insomnia and sleep apnea have also claimed to have enjoyed the better sleep provided by the negative ions.
People suffering from respiratory issued report rapid recovery from being exposed to negative ion energy. Negative ions are known to moderate blood pressure by dilating blood vessels which positively supports a healthy cardiovascular system, reducing heart attacks and strokes across the board.
Just by breathing the air, we are putting our physiology at risk by breathing in the toxicity all around us (which also is true for what we eat, drink, and otherwise expose ourselves to either intentionally or unintentionally) we are ingesting contaminants that find their way into the bloodstream, thereby clogging and disrupting normal blood flow, negative ions help to reverse these conditions.
Lungs also clear and benefit as well as other respiratory problems such as hay fever, emphysema and bronchitis, and others.
More science measuring the effects of negative ions on human physiology measures greater immunity by stabilizing the ionic balance of the body. This harmonic balance allows the natural immune system to operate more efficiently. Which offers an increase of 40% protection from invisible viruses. And the approach of applying negative ions does not interfere with other medications, such as antibiotics.
Exposure to negative ions measurably increases natural levels of essential sodium and calcium, while promoting a greater alkaline pH balance. Not to mention countering depression and other negative mental issues such as irritability and angry outbursts by boosting serotonin levels in the brain.
And so much more…
It’s no wonder that you are wondering what’s inside your Quantum Science Energy Pendant. Why? Because it works, but there appears to be no power source that enables it to do everything that it does. So, what makes it work?
You may have heard or even understand that everything is energy, you are energy, I am energy, the space between us, every cell of your body, the space between the cells, everything in the universe, and even the void of outer space is energy. Everything, even the rocks are made of energy. In Japan, 26% of the ground surface is covered by volcanic deposits including volcanic rock. If you are an energy-sensitive person, and you are visiting Japan for the first time, you may be able to actually feel the energy, and if you have energy-sensing equipment, you can certainly measure it. The places where it measures the highest are where the greatest deposits of volcanic rock have settled.
The people from Japan, most take for granted that they live atop these energetically charged minerals from inside the volcanic rock. It feeds their soil with energy which enhances the energetic value of what is grown around it. The food that comes from this energetically charged soil has been attributed to playing a major role in the extensive health and longevity of the people who live there.
Their soil is enrichened by the minerals that exist in the volcanic rock that emits high concentrations of ionic energy naturally without any external power source. This is quantum science energy at work in a natural environment, allowed to do its work without the intervention of technology.
Since the Japanese live in an environment rich with this energy and eat the food that is born in and infused with this energy, they enjoy long, healthful lives, especially compared to their fellow beings that reside in other countries, such as the United States of America, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In these other countries, they and the other people who live outside Japan, just do not live as long.
Traditionally, Japanese people have used this energy stone technology to aid in sports performance and to increase the healthful recovery from wounds and disease. They are credited with boosting intelligence, and personal performance, as well as treating a variety of negative emotional states and other physiological ailments.
Scientists in Japan were the first to reveal this energetic technology and they are credited with its discovery. After the release of this information, Japanese entrepreneurs began harvesting energy stones and exporting them as good luck charms, to aid in boosting the immune system, and in alternative healing modalities.
Now that we understand this technology, we can reproduce the results by combining all 70 natural mineral components with the highest precision to provide a constant flow of energy with unsurpassed output. This is how quantum science emerges and evolves over time. In the present day, we do not have to harvest from Japan’s Mother Nature.
This engineered volcanic rock is heated and cooled, increasing the heat until the moment that all of the mineral components meld perfectly and resonate with this powerful ionic energy in perfect orchestral harmonic resonance, resulting in a bio-ceramic form.
This specific frequency of ionic energy is said to easily pass through the body’s protective layers, infusing the bloodstream with ions that help to reduce stress and depression by boosting serotonin and elemental energy in the body. You can also expect to enjoy increased mental concentration and physical dexterity and performance.
It is this technology on which the Quantum Science Energy Pendants are based, and the manner that they are produced with consistent measurable energetic generation and ionic output without the need of any external power source.
Everything is energy, which means you and I are also made of energy. You get the idea of the form of energy that you recognize as electricity, which is basically what we are, though our bodies use a higher form of infinitely intelligent energy which is more difficult for us to understand entirely. Energy is what keeps you alive. Your body, without having to be plugged into any outside source, provides the 5 watts of continuous electricity necessary for beating every hour over the course of your life. If your heart stops, it will take 200 to 1,000 volts from an outside source (like a defibrillator) to restart its regular beating, providing your body has the wherewithal to supply the electricity necessary to maintain its activity.
All matter, everything that we can experience with our five senses (and beyond) is also made of this energy, including us. This infinite intelligent energy is referred to by some as God Source Energy, spirit, or any other vast array of definitions that might help us understand this energy that is in all things and cannot be created or destroyed. We live in and our ever-expanding universe is a closed system of this vast energy that keeps everything, I mean “everything” in form and balance.
Since we are energy (though some will disagree with this, so think of it as any way that resonates with you at this moment and call it whatever works best for you) it makes perfect sense to use this very same energy to affect our bodies and the environments that we interact with. Learning how to do this presents a challenge at the moment but we have seen huge scientific advancements in the arena. Quantum theory paved the way for quantum mechanics, and now in the last 30 years or so, we are seeing quantum sciences emerging as human technology and sciences evolve.
Still, the mystics and religious folks discovered ways to harness this energy and effectuate changes in the human body. I first became acquainted with this when I learned laying on of hands healing from Catholic Nuns, and later master training in Reiki. Now, quantum science is discovering other methods to influence energy vibration, frequency, and vibration in the body and the environment around us.
By manipulating a patient’s energy with energy, we can effectively change the frequency of that person’s challenge or problem to an alternate frequency, just like changing the channel on your television. For instance, we could pray for someone who feels as though they have no reason to live and may be suicidal, resulting in a frequency change, where the individual emerges as someone who feels they have value in the community, desires to make a contribution and make the world a better place. You can call that a miracle, if you like, or an energetic frequency adjustment. Whatever you call it? The effects are real. Adding support to the energetic intervention will help the sustainability of the healing process over time.
If everything is energy, then every condition that interrupts the otherwise happy, healthy, and fruitful human being has a specific energetic frequency and signature, as well as every good thing. Change the frequency, and the whole world changes, too.
Let’s not forget the environment, because it can have a great impact on the human body. In a monastery, free from technology, Wi-Fi, and other waves of energy that may have a negative effect on any life frequency. human biology thrives. For the rest of us who live in the real world, we are bombarded by radical energy and toxic pollutants all day long.
These negative frequencies have a devasting effect on you. If you are under constant toxic energies, you will feel it, by noticing a lack of energy, headaches, lethargy, deterioration throughout your physiology, affecting everything from cognition and eyesight to loss of breath, gastrointestinal disorders, and loss of agility and dexterity, and maybe a major contributor to promoting the growth and spread of cancer in the body.
The Quantum Science Energy Pendant is a recent scientific Japanese discovery that generates energy without an external power source, in very much the same manner as we do, only it emits electric energy in the form of ions which are charged to be the complete opposite of the ions that your body accumulates from toxic energies that you are exposed to throughout the day, effectively neutralizing or canceling them out.
Access to the ions emitting from the Quantum Science Energy Pendant help to mitigate the damages associated with exposure to toxic energies, and other pollutants (which we understand are energetic as well). They can offer protection, prevention, and allow for healing from previous exposures, and act as a “ground” for the human body.
That’s why wearing them is the preferred general method of use, as well as spot-treating, placing one on or around an area that might be pervasively affected by toxic energies.
Wearing one is an effective way to promote health, healing, and wellness, defensively protecting you against disease, advanced aging, and premature death.
Everything is energy, and as the First Law of Thermodynamics states, “Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed.” This means the total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. This is the science on which the Quantum Science Energy Healing technologies are based. These Quantum Science Energy Healing technologies use energy to affect the alteration of energy, especially negative energy, to reduce the impact of negative energy and increase the quantity and quality of positive energy in a given area.
This is Quantum Science Energy, not rocket science, so this is very simple technology once you learn how to focus it when are where you want to achieve the maximum human efficacy. We have discovered, and continue to discover, the many beneficial ways these alternative energetic technologies can benefit those of us sharing the human condition.
In the beginning there was nothing, a void. Then suddenly, whether God spoke it into being or not, there was a quantum event which resulted in the explosive birth of the existence of energy, light, matter, space, and time nearly 14 billion years ago. The date may vary according to belief system, but there is no doubt about the instant that created our universe including our galaxy and others, which are numerous. According to recent quantum calculations, there may be as many as two trillion galaxies in the universe, and it wasn’t that long ago that we thought our Milky Way was the universe. The future is coming into the present at an alarming rate.
Our universe is made up of infinite energy that to date is still difficult to understand and we are only within the last ten years or so learning how to better measure, track, and direct it. As the scientific knowledgebase begins to progress and expand, we will better know how to harness it.
What we do know, is that the Quantum Science Energy, the energy that we are using to affect changes in the body and to protect the body from otherwise counterproductive or harmful energy exists in the spaces between the tiniest pieces of matter. For instance, you probably remember the idea of what an atom looks like, where the nucleus made of protons and neutrons is held in suspension while the electrons rotate around the nucleus. The atom us a very small energetic component. But the drawing or illustration that you may have remembered seeing was not drawn to scale, because we now know that if the neutron was the size of a golf ball, the electrons would be a football field away,
And what is holding this tiny energy component in perfect harmony? Quantum Science Energy. It is the energy that exists between the protons and neutrons and holds them in place and is the force or space between the nucleus and the electrons, holding everything spinning in perfect balance. Even though Quantum Science Energy cannot be seen, and only had been introduced to us by science fiction writers in our recent history, it turns out there is far more of this Quantum Science Energy than anything else known and makes up the greatest part of our universe. It is the space between all things, no matter how large or small, and is the vacuum if space and intelligently allows all matter to exist in the manner it is perceived, enjoyed, or shocked by all of use who are blessed to share this experience.
Quantum Science Energy has also been referred to as zero-point energy by science fiction writers and quantum theorists prior to its discovery as a measurable scientific reality.
You might ask, “With all of this energy all around us, why do we have to pay for electricity?” Which is an excellent question. The answer? Well, I’ll let you ponder that one for yourself, but for me? I believe there is a profit-fueled control mechanism in place to prevent the emergence of harnessing the pollution-free energy all around us which certainly be freely powering all electronic devices all around us. This technology is being suppressed by the powers that be. But be rest assured, these powers are losing their control of us. As more and more of us become more aware of what is really going on, they are losing their grip on us.
They will no longer be able to wield their power of profit over us anymore.
Our stepping up and using these new technologies as they become available to us is one of the methods that we begin to exercise our freedom to exert our personal freedom and lessen their control over us.
Quantum Science Energy is infinite, and we can use it to affect our lives in so many ways, even our physiology. We are finding more and more that this energy can affect our bodies in ways that can be damaging to us, increasing deterioration of the human body and psyches, leading to disease and early demise. And if we do nothing (like we have in the past) this becomes the fate of humanity.
The profiteers have designed medicines and medical schools and legislated control over this world, or at least the United States, to make certain, that, if at all possible, they can fleece us of everything we have been able to accumulate over the course of our lives, as we are shoveled into a hole in the ground.
Those of us who are awakening are taking a decidedly different approach by embracing Quantum Science Energy Healing technologies.
This medical system which has been put into place for the control of the people and the protection of the profiteers is desperately opposed to you, the individual, finding out about these emerging alternative healing devices, and they will anything and everything they can to dissuade you from embracing these new technologies. Which also includes the natural medicines that came long before the emergence of modern medicine. Which they disregard as “folk medicine” which no person in their right mind would consider using in the light of modern pharmacology.
Why does the system not want you to embrace these technologies, both ancient and currently emerging Quantum Science Energy advancements? Because there is no way to profit from anything that you can pull from the soil or the energy which freely surrounds us and exists within each and every one of us.
They cannot charge us for it (though there may come the day that they decide that they can charge us a tax for using it. This remains to be seen).
This will give you an idea about what to expect from your Quantum Science Energy Healing device.